Friday, June 17, 2011

Vacation Discoveries

So, I've decided that my dream job involves being on vacation full-time, forever.  Sounds fair, right? 

Ha.  Seriously though, this week has been so nice.  And it's not over yet, but I will be so sad when it is. 

We've gotten to spend time with family we don't get to see as much as we'd like.  And sleep in (till 8:00, that is).  And do fun things like visit the zoo and Cedar Point.  And attend bridal showers and help out with preparations for my brother's and soon-to-be-sister-in-law's upcoming wedding.  And spend countless hours doing things like watching Star Wars (Rob) or the Food Network (me), or playing with an almost-crawling baby on the floor, or hitting little plastic wiffle golf balls around in the yard, or taking long bike rides, or making impromptu trips to get ice cream or coffee more times than we'd care to admit.

Also, I personally have gotten to stay up WAY too late surfing the web every night and not feel guilty about it, because I'm on vacation after all, and surfing the web usually brings me some sort of epic inspiration/motivation/creative ideas....usually.  Sometimes it just means I have wasted an hour on Facebook. 

But I'm going to focus instead on some of the wonderful things I've discovered this week--and since I've hardly done any cooking the past few days, and am generally doing non-domestic things instead, I decided to share with all of you some of the things I found and want/want to do NOW love.  

1) Cloth Diapering 101.  Okay, so this one is kind of domestic.  I just thought it was cool how my last post was about cloth diapering, and then this popped up on one of the blogs I usually read.

2)  Knitted Minion. 
 #195 - The minions are always mixing something up in the lab
How cute is this?  I must make one IMMEDIATELY.  Regardless of how useless/impractical it is.  If you haven't seen 'Despicable Me,' go rent it.  SO CUTE.

3) Fila Skeletoez

 I know the whole barefoot-running thing might just be a fad (though I do understand the health benefits), but I have to confess that I have wanted to try out the Vibram Five Finger shoes for awhile.  They're really expensive though, so I was glad to hear that Fila has made a cheaper version.  I tried on a pair today...they're SO comfortable!  Definitely hope to get a good deal on these sometime.

4)  This area rug. 

Product Image 
Liam will, literally, be crawling in a matter of days.  *sniff*  It is so adorable to watch him try to figure it out, and though he's been scooting himself around the floor for a couple of weeks, in just the past 2 days he's really been trying to propel himself using his legs, and has also pushed himself up on his hands and toes.  This also means that our beloved wool kilim rug, which last summer seemed like the perfect choice for our living room, is no longer practical as it is not soft at all and will produce rug burns like crazy.  I guess we weren't thinking very far ahead with that one.  We're going to be getting something like this one that is simple, soft, inexpensive, and newly-mobile-baby-friendly to use for awhile.
5) Supreme 90 Day.  I will admit, the pictures on the website are so cheesy that I couldn't even bring myself to put one here.  Anyway, I have been interested in doing the P90x and/or Insanity DVD workouts for awhile now, but they are SO EXPENSIVE.  Even used, they're still pricey, and I have now lost a handful of eBay auctions trying to get my hands on a set.  Then I heard about Supreme 90 Day, and have read countless reviews which say it is a great alternative.  The best part?  It costs $19.99.  No joke!  I ordered mine from Bed, Bath, and Beyond today (with free shipping!) and am excited to start.  I'll share my (hopeful) recommendation and results after I give it a try!
I think I'll stop there for now.  I have added approximately 2 dozen new bookmarks to my browser in the past week!  Perhaps I have too much time on my hands....?  Oh, and if any of you have feedback about P90x/Insanity/Supreme 90 Day, let me know!!

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