Oh, IKEA, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
My husband has had IKEA in close proximity to him for most of his life; I, on the other hand, had never been to one until I was 19 years old. So he thinks I am fascinated with the place because it is still somewhat of a novelty for me. Regardless, there are so many things I love about this store.
There's the endless inspiration attained from walking through the perfectly styled showroom. There's the classic fresh/modern/functional/simple Swedish design. There's the affordable furniture, which is why about 75% of the furniture we have purchased came from there. There's the inexpensive housewares which are much cooler than other big box stores, and cost way less (49 cents for a coffee mug! $3.99 for a kitchen rug! just about any frame you'd want for under $10!)
And then, there's the restaurant. It's not fine dining, but it's cheap, good, not terribly unhealthy, and European. It's basically a cafeteria, but that's what keeps the cost down. They have specials every day of the week, and a Swedish food section should you want to take home a bag of Swedish meatballs, lingonberry preserves, muesli, caviar, or salmon paste in a tube (cue vomit sounds).
Lucky for us, Monday is Rob's day off, and it's also free breakfast day. From 9:30 to 11:00 you can simply show up and get a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, and potatoes. For us, we get 2 regular plates, ask for a smaller third plate for Liam, then I get a free cup of coffee with my Ikea family card, so we only pay $1.61 for Rob's lingonberry juice. It's not the most gourmet breakfast ever (powdered eggs, thin bacon, frozen potatoes), but it's tasty and most important, free. Also, the same breakfast is only 99 cents any other day of the week.
If you live near an Ikea, check out their restaurant specials for a cheap meal out!